Adding two triggers to the same object

Mar 28, 2019

Hello everyone, I have been having issues with triggers:  

Here are the facts:

1) My slide has 8 objects (all  objects are disabled when timeline starts, except for the first one that is in the normal state)

2) Once the learner clicks the 1st object, the next object should become "normal" and the previous one should become "visited"

All of these actions are working perfectly until I add a third trigger: "jump to scene 1 when learner clicks object 1" - as soon as I add this additional trigger, all of the other triggers do not work anymore.

I thought I could add multiple triggers to the same object "when learner clicks object 1, jump to scene 1" AND "when learner clicks object 1, change the state of object 2 to normal"  - but it looks like I'm doing something wrong. 

Any suggestions?  I have tried everything already...





2 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Paula,

This sort of issue is usually caused by having the triggers in the wrong order. In your case, if you are trying to change the state of an object and also jump to another slide, with both occurring when the same object is selected, you need to make sure that the last trigger in the list is the "jump to slide" trigger. Otherwise, the user will jump to the next slide before the object's state is changed. Once the user leaves a particular slide, no more triggers on that slide will be activated as that slide no longer has focus.

If you are still having problems, if you could share your file here, that would be very helpful in sorting out the issue.

Joey Buys

Hi Paula.

Ned's explanation is 100% accurate and it does in fact seem that your trigger order is simply configured incorrectly.

Based on the information that you provided, it seems that you are building a 'menu' slide of sort. A slide that serves as a hub where users can navigate to different scenes from and come back to in order to progress to the next section.

The type of 'access blocking' that you are enforcing is (in my opinion) better achieved with variables than simply state changes based on click events. For example, if a user clicks on the 1st icon / button, the second on will become available before the user is redirected to the content / next scene. The user cna then simply click the previous button, return to the 'hub' slide and click on the (now available) section 2 button, and so forth. The user can then skip the course content by 'cheating the system' so to speak. Just something to keep in mind.

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