Can a downloadable/savable document be created in Storyline 360 with participant answers?

Jun 12, 2024

I have a Storyline 360 course where the participants type in answers to questions and activities. The course is meant to supplement a workbook that I have developed. Is there a way in which I can create a document (PDF, Word, etc.) or something with all participants answers that at the very end of the course it is available to see/use? Really, I want to know if something can be available to save that shows all the answers participants added throughout the course. If it is possible, any help would be appreciated.

4 Replies
Ange CM

In the video itshows the second the viewer clicks 'Submit' the Google sheet automatically populates,  so adding triggers (?) so the sheet populates only upon completion of course. But I am not an expert with using Google sheets and the process to get from Storyline to Google - maybe best to post another question that drills down to specifics - someone who is more familiar may have the answer - a line of javascript (?)