Collaboration, Review, Edits - Working with Long distance SMEs

Aug 12, 2011

I wanted my subject to be easily searchable for other users and it might sound like I'm asking for advice on long distance relationships and in a way, I am!

In the past year, one of the most complicated mountains to climb was review of my Articulate presentations for non- Articulate users.  My SMEs are all very busy people and don't like wasting time downloading or signing up for DropBox.  Although, I think if the opion is free that it's great!

With Storyline, will the editing and review process be updated?  Is Articulate Online the only option for SaaS type review? 

Thanks for your help and Happy Friday!!


9 Replies
Patti Bryant


I may be way off and can't contribute much to this topic, however, I do know that Dropbox has a "public link" option that can be used to allow someone who doesn't have Dropbox to review documents, courses, etc. I've used this in the past - if you're trying to simply have them review a published Articulate course, you can put the entire published course in your public Dropbox folder and then right click on the player output file and select "Copy public link."  Once you send them the link, it begins playing the course and they don't need Dropbox in order to use this.

I hope this helps in some way! I will also be interested to know if anyone has review suggestions, etc. above this including for Storyline.

Keepin' the joy,


Amparito Cox

I'm currently using DropBox for this same purpose but it has unexpectedly "stopped working." I've tried deleting files and re-uploading but to no avail. Still waiting to hear from DropBox to see if it's something on their end. Worked well for the first couple of weeks, but just last week files are viewable through Dropbox, but shows blank screen when player.html file is double-clicked. Any suggestions?

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Amparito,

Can't help you out with your Dropbox problem, but just wanted to remind people that another option is Articulate's tempshare:

Very easy to use. Just choose to zip your project when you publish, and drag/drop the zipped folder onto this site. One of the caveats: projects only stay there for 10 days. It's working well for me!

Amparito Cox

Thanks for both recommendations. I may need longer than 10 days since SMEs are worldwide and modules are not being created simultaneously but great for short term projects.

I plan to try as well.

Looks like Dropbox doesn't like it when you try to play files directly from their website, but seems to work when you're trying to run files from their desktop app... as of now anyway. 

Thanks again for your recommendations.

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