Course based on quiz result

Apr 29, 2022

I want to create a quiz where based on the questions the user got right or wrong determines which course content they have to study.

For example, if the user gets questions 1, 3 and 5 right, they only have to complete modules 2,4 and 6 because they got those questions right.

Also, as an alternative, if the user completes and passes the quiz, they don't have to read the content if they don't want to and are marked as completed.

If they fail the quiz, they have to complete the module content.

Is this possible?

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

There's built-in functionality for for letting a user complete a course based on passing a pre-test. Here's more info about that: 

It's also possible to steer a user to specific content based on how they answered pre-test questions. However, that requires custom programming. You'd need to use variables and trigger conditions to control their navigation options and ensure they complete the required modules.