display collected content

May 09, 2018


I'm investigating on how to approach a project I'm working on using Storyline 360. The objective is to build an interactive chart in which users can select (with input checkboxes) certain content and have the (collected) selections displayed elsewhere (could be a layer or another slide, whatever suits the job).

What I don't want is that the content is either hidden or showed at its own location but really is collected and put next to other selected content. 

I was thinking that maybe using placeholders on a specified master slide could do the trick but I'm not really sure if I'm right.

I hope I'm clear enough for you folks to help me further, and else please ask so I can clarify fore...





14 Replies
Peter vd Slikke

Cool! Thanks again. At least now I know there is a way. Now its time for me to get my skills up to par ;-) and than decide if the work is worth the assignment. 

What I'm trying to achieve is something other than text, also marked up text and text shapes. Maybe even pictures. Is that still possible?

I will make a non functional view so it hopefully clarifies a bit more...


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