Drag-and-Reveal interaction

Aug 30, 2020

I was curious if there is a way to set up a quiz or counter type interaction where the person would be able to drag an object to reveal something underneath.  Say you want some one to find all the worms and they can drag a rock or log out of the way to find more worms.  I didn't see examples of exactly where my thoughts were going.  Any help is appreciated!

2 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Allen,

In the attached example I have set up a number of rocks and logs with hidden items underneath them. If you click on an object it will move out of the way and reveal what is underneath. I have also used a variable to keep count of the number of worms that have been found.

There is plenty of scope to use additional variables to let the user know they have failed in their adventure if, for example, they uncover a snake.

I hope this gives you some ideas to work with.

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