ELC 295 - 1912 Exam from the Newspaper Revamp

Aug 22, 2020

ELC 295 - 1912 Exam from the Newspaper Revamp

For this weeks demo, I challenge you to compete in an old-fashioned 1912 spelling bee. Will you make your graduating class proud?

link to demo: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/2194a8ad-e6d2-4b33-bd89-118e76a23b1f/review

storyline file: https://mywebsiteron.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/8thgrade.story

After collecting assets for the challenge (photo of a 1912 graduating class, a suitable bee or two, and a hit song from 1912), I began to piece together the quiz.  (I have now attributed all of these on the last slide).

Using storyline's built-in functionality I built the slide master and the quiz masters slides. I later remembered to change the fonts in design mode so that all of the slides look uniform.

I used all of the words from the article but had the system do a random draw of 15 each time it is run using storyline's functionality as well.

I learned that I could add animation to the master slides which saved a lot of repetitive work. I used text to speech to build out my individual quiz slides with a simple copy and paste. I kept the vocabulary words on each slide until I had created each of the text to speech words, and sentences.

I had fun building this out but it kept me up until 2 AM. :)

1 Reply
Sarah Hodge

This is G-R-E-A-T, Ron! 🙂 I love how you set this up with all the different options before spelling each word. You are spot on about saving time by adding animations to the master slides. This is a great tip and I'm glad you shared that so more people will utilize the master slides for that. One thing, since you made custom navigation, you can totally remove the default Next/Prev/Submit buttons in the player. Just a thought. Thank you for sharing how you built this and for your example!

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