Guru Awards 2011?

May 19, 2011

Does anyone know - is Articulate having the Guru Awards this year? I haven't noticed any calls for entries...

19 Replies
Gerry Wasiluk

Gabe Anderson said:

Hi Zara- no update yet.

Gotta bet you folks are just a little busy this year with new product coming . . .  the gurus are too busy with guru-new-ness . . . 

Of course, Gabe, you could open up the Anderson moustache growing contest to the men in the forum as a poor substitue.  Just need something comparable for the women then. 

Of course, Justin probably wants a homebrew Guru contest with him as the sole judge. 

Justin Wilcox

I actually haven't home brewed anything this year but I would definitely be down with doing an informal E-Learning Heroes mustache contest! I think we might have a Captain Smiley we could throw someone's way. We'd probably have to have a few ground rules so no one was cheating and we'd probably have to recuse Gabe and I from the contest, though I would more than likely win it.

Gerry Wasiluk

Gabe Anderson said:

If we did a Heroes mustache growing contest, does that mean you'd have to shave yours before it started, Gerry?

Hmmm,  maybe we should go the "follicley challenged" route first: he who can keep the most hair wins. 

Actually, the best retort to my echoing Zara would have been some guy here saying "my wife says the same thing about you, too." 

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