how can I make a template for my slides?

Jul 26, 2018

Hello everybody! 

I'm completely new with articulate and am working on my first project. I love it. But I'm stil looking for a lot of things. One of the things I was wondering is if it's possible to make a template for my slides. I want to have a logo/picture on every slide. Do I need to place it with by hand on every slide? or is there some way to customize the standard new slides? 



PS working with version 2

1 Reply
Mike Stewart

Hello Eva.

Create your slide, with background, logo etc. and then "Save As" and choose "Storyline Template (*.storytemplate).  Then, when adding a new slide to your course you should be able to choose it from Templates.

PS. I was going to attach a .story file showing the process ... but could not figure out how to get SL2 to screen record itself.

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