How to turn off automatic slide transition?

Dec 11, 2012

When I import a Powerpoint Presentation it defaults to having the slides automatically change when "timeline starts" instead of when user clicks "next" button.  How can I change that without having to go through every slide to delete the "automatic" change?  Thanks for your help.

5 Replies
Bruce Graham

Hi Jeanette....

As this is something that is obviously set at import time (?), is there any value in a Feature Request that makes it optional?

I know there are many more things higher up the list than this, but it is a pain in the bahookey, and I would love the option to turn it off "at source" rather than having SL assume it knows what is best for me?

If so, should I send it directly to Magnus, as I guess he's winding down for the holiday season now? 


Jeanette Brooks

Hi Bruce! Actually the advance behavior of imported PowerPoint slides will default to "automatically" IF you are importing a slide deck that was not previously something you worked on in Articulate Presenter.

If the slide deck IS a project you've worked on in Presenter, AND if you used Presenter's slide properties to set any of the slide's advance behavior to By User, then that advance behavior should be preserved for those slides when you import them into Storyline. (Also, one important point to note about importing your Presenter project: the PPTA file needs to be in the same folder as the PowerPoint file when you import into Storyline, else Storyline won't be able to obtain the info about slide properties or other course attributes you chose in Presenter.)

Patrick  Wilson

Hi, I am currently working on a project in Articulate, and am wondering if there is a way to set a requirement for the student/viewer to watch the whole slide, before they are able to transition to the next slide? I currently have the properties set to "user" which I want, but would like them to be required to sit through the whole slide before they could transition. Any feedback would be welcomed. Thank you in advanced. 

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