I'm getting really tired of HTML5 output bugs - Storyline 2

Mar 16, 2017

Hi all,

I don't like to grumble but as a developer I'm getting extremely tired (and quite frankly, BORED) of the number of bugs that are in HTML5 exported files from Storyline 2. Now that Chrome is defaulting to the HMTL5 file when the export is launched, there are so many broken interactions in my modules. I've seen some people on this board complaining about them, so I know I'm not the only one. And no, it's not because I don't have the work saved on the Desktop or C drive. I save all of my work locally, so please don't tell me that's the solution.

The issue is with layers and 'phantom buttons'. The user opens a layer, then chooses to hide that layer. Once the layer is hidden, the functions of the buttons on that layer are still there, but the buttons are invisible. So button functions are still clickable on the base layer, even after their layer is hidden. This bug is driving me NUTS. It's such a basic error and affects any screen with layering that has any clickable objects. The user is then able to interact with these phantom buttons which completely changes the way the screen works. 

Please can Articulate give some indication that this is going to be fixed soon? It's making some of my work unusable. Workarounds don't work for everything, and to be honest I don't feel like we should have to add in 10+ extra triggers to work around Articulate's incompetence. Sorry for the strong wording of this post but I am getting really fed up of bugs that are errors in the software and not something I can fix.

2 Replies
Kelly Meeker

Hi Megan. I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated. We’d like to better understand the issues that you're referring to here, and to do so we’d like to get you into a case with our Support Team. Could you please open a case here and attach any files that might be relevant to the problems you're describing? Thanks so much. 

Elena Gas

Tengo el mismo problema.

Hay algunas animaciones e interacciones en las actividades que no funcionan correctamente en Chrome, pero funcionan bien en Internet Explore. ¿Por qué está pasando esto? ¿Es posible que Storyline 2 empiece a fallar? 

Agradecería que pudieras darme una respuesta lo más pronto posible porque la necesito todos los días en el trabajo.

Saludos cordiales

Gracias :)


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