Ideas for 2 big tables in a row? - design inspiration

Mar 07, 2024


I'm looking for a little creative inspiration! I'm reviewing a Rise module to provide feedback . One of the lessons has 2 large tables that come right after another.  I'm wondering if there's a better Rise implementation strategy??

The information is good and the tables are efficient - one table feels like a little bit of lift given the number of items but manageable. Two in a row feels like it's pushing it.

Would love any suggestions you have! 

Here's the structure of the content. The distinction between the two table topics is important (not illustrated well by my fake content!)

Table 1 header
intro paragraph

Green Vegetable Options Why It's Good For You Examples
Leafy green vegetables Lots of greeny good stuff and a little more descriptive text here Spinach, example, example, example, and other examples that might wrap to 3-4 lines
7 more rows    


Table 2 header
intro paragraph

Orange Vegetable Options Why It's Good For You Examples
Carrots Tasty, many uses, can be enjoyed in all its full carrot-ness or cooked up to be unrecognizable, comes in other colors Baby carrots, big carrots, medium size carrots, and other examples that might wrap 3-4 lines
8 more rows    




1 Reply
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

I would do an accordion and have it be the same color as the intro paragraph above it. Something like this!:

Or, if you could get an image with all the orange vegetable options and another with all the green vegetable options, maybe 2 labeled graphics!