Mobile learning bottom frame issue

Feb 17, 2017

Hello all,

I have edited the player to be transparent, we want the whole project to be full screen (using Articulate 360).  However, I keep getting a grayish line at the bottom (see image attached).

I have tried making it black too, however the grayish line at the bottom keeps appearing (same way).

Have any of you faced the same issue? How can I fix it?

Best regards,


4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Luis,

Within the Articulate tools there isn't a full screen option - but you can get close to that removing the player elements as you've done and setting the player/browser settings to scale to fit (directions here for Storyline 360 and here for Presenter 360). 

As for the gray line you're seeing, it's tricky to tell where it's coming from based on that image alone. Can you share a link to your hosted course or a copy of the course prior to publishing so that we could look at all those settings? You can send it to our Support Engineers using the link here. 

VBS Training

Hello Ashley,

Thanks for your answering. Your colleague Alyssa Gomez answered me yesterday (sorry I posted in 2 different places). She went ahead and published for LMS and uploaded the zip file to SCORM Cloud. She tested on her iPhone 5S iOS 10.2.1 with mobile Safari, and she did not see the gray line.

She suggested me to check with my LMS provider (OnPoint Digital - iOS mobile App).  I've done it, I am waiting for their answer.



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