Need help with "showing layers"

Jul 13, 2022

Hi all! 

I'm attaching a review360 of my first ever Articulate Storyline project. :) It's an interactive map of my top 8 restaurant suggestions in Denver. I welcome any feedback you have on it - but I do ask that you be extra kind because I'm very new! 


I created multiple layers to reveal my instructions in a chunked format. Once the learner completes the first step (hovering over the marker), it reveals the next part of the instructions. 

However, when I'm reviewing my project, I found that I may have created a little glitch. It's not a huge deal but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about a fix. When the second part of the instructions are completed (click on the markers to reveal a short description and suggested dishes), I have a trigger set to show the next layer with more information. Because this transition happens so fast, when the new layer is revealed, the information from when the user clicks on the marker disappears. 

I'm hoping that makes sense... Please view my project to get a better idea of what I'm trying to explain. And again, any feedback is appreciated!

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