Posting Course Work Examples

Feb 11, 2014

I need to be able to post my course work developed in both Storyline and Studio so that others can view them.  The cost of using Articulate Online is too high for my purposes.  I have sites on and but have been unable to upload published course folders without jumping through way too many hoops.  Does anyone have any suggestions for allowing others to view samples of published course work simply and easily?


10 Replies
Laura M

I'm not sure what your goal is (sharing with clients, potential clients, course users, SME's, etc.), but I use Google Drive for a couple of situations:

1. If I'm working with an SME that doesn't have Articulate, I will share the latest version any time major updates are made during the creation/production phase on Google Drive and email them the link. 

2. I also use it to administer our eLearning courses to temporary employees.  We hire a lot of temps and don't generally provide accounts for them in our LMS.  I keep a bookmark on the computers in our training room with links to the courses they will need to complete.  They print their quiz scores as documentation.  

Katie Venit

A-ha! Thanks Phil. In case others are interested, I was able to do this by following the link towards the bottom of this article, which took me here. Note: I was already signed into Dropbox. 

Question: I'm assuming that anything posted into the public folder is Googleable, unlike Tempshare which would not be. Correct? 

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