Question: Multimedia software

Oct 21, 2015

Hi all, I want to learn how to create my own videos to add to eLearning courses in Storyline. I would likely learn on my own so I would prefer something fairly intuitive. I have done some searches, but they can be expensive so I'd like some opinions before I go down any specific path - any recommendations?

For an example of what I mean, the first 30-odd seconds of this video is a good representation of the kind of things I want to do:

1 Reply
Trina Rimmer

Hi Gareth. Storyline 2 has some pretty nice animation features that can accomplish a good deal of the effects in your example video. This recent roundup of community created animation examples might give you a better sense of what you can do in Storyline.

And if you think that video is a better fit for your needs, you might want to check out this past discussion thread for some more budget-friendly ideas that other folks are using.

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