Regarding the SCORM Compliancy checking

Mar 14, 2012


I have use ADL scorm test to test on the courseware created by articulate. But I have the error below. Can I know why I'm getting this error?

Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM ®) 2004 4th Edition
Test Suite Version 1.1.1

Test Environment Information:
Operating System: Windows 7 - SP 1
Java Run-Time Environment: 1.6.0_30
Web Browser: Internet Explorer 8.06

Test Subject Information:
Date: Thursday, 15 March, 2012 12:19:49 PM
Content Package Product: d
Content Package Version: d
Content Package Vendor/Developer: d


Validating the XML for Wellformedness
The XML is Well-formed
Testing the Content Package Test Subject for (sub)manifests
The IMS Manifest does not include a reference into a (sub)manifest

Testing for the Controlling Document(s) Required For XML Parsing
WARNING: No Schemalocation has been declared in [metadata.xml]
ERROR: The namespace [] was detected without a way to map the namespace to a controlling document
The Controlling Document [imsss_v1p0.xsd] Found at Root of the Content Package
The Controlling Document [imscp_v1p1.xsd] Found at Root of the Content Package
The Controlling Document [adlseq_v1p3.xsd] Found at Root of the Content Package
The Controlling Document [adlcp_v1p3.xsd] Found at Root of the Content Package
ERROR: The Content Package Test Subject Did Not Pass All Checkpoints

SCORM 2004 4th Edition Conformance Statement:
ERROR: The Content Package is Non-Conformant
ERROR: The Content Package is CP CAM 1.1 Non-Conformant
Successful outcome of this test does not constitute ADL Certification unless an ADL Certification Auditor conducted the test.


4 Replies
Natalia Mueller

Hi Maddy,

I know it's only been a day, but you may want to post your question in the forum for product support instead of building better courses discussions. Not that someone on here couldn't answer your question, but you may have better luck in the Articulate Product Support forum.

I hope your problem gets resolved!

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