Repeat patterns

Oct 24, 2016

Hi Guys, I've been trying to create a cause that allows users to copy some patterns. I can't seem to make it work and behave like the attached video.  I have also attached the storyline file.  Can anyone help me with this?

3 Replies

Maybe not the most eloquent solution but...
1) I lost the buttons and just used shapes.
2) The targets all have a neutral, a correct, and a wrong state (neutral is the default)
3) Dropping the right shape on the right target switches it to the "correct" state & dropping it on the wrong target switches it to the "wrong" state.
4) On submit, the "excellent" layer is shown only if all targets are in their "correct" state, else the "wrong" layer is shown.  

File attached.

Joanne Chen

Hi  Nieels, Owen's file light me an idea for creating repeating objects. I borrowed his version file and make some changes and it turns to very closed to what you are looking for. Here's what I did:

  1. Created a correct dropped target and place it outside the viewing area of a slide. (So users won't be able to dropped target in it)
  2. Select 'Return item to its start point if dropped outside' in drag & drop option pannel. (So the drag item will always go back to the original position, therefore you will always have these drag items to drag.)
  3. Created six tiny invisiable objects on each target rectangles and set triggers to change to different states(green or orange) when user drag a cross object over it. Well you can use the target rectangles acutally, but I chose to create new tiny invisiable objects is becuase I want to create an illusion that make users feel the cross shows when they dropped the item.
  4. Adjust variable 'Correct' to truth base on the final states of these tiny invisiable objects. 

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