Review results without repeating the voice over instructions again

Feb 14, 2018

Hi,  I have a few quizzes in my course where the results slides have a Review Quiz button.  If I click the button the quiz with the correct answers are showing but the voice over of the original quiz slide repeats.  How can I avoid this?

4 Replies
Allison Goldthorpe

Hi Linda,

I would use variables to do this. For each quiz slide, make a true/false variable which is defaulted to false. When the timeline begins on the slide for the first time, adjust the "Question1Visited" variable to true. Then, add another trigger to say "Stop media (Audio 1) when timeline starts on Slide 1 on condition Question1Visited is = true".

If you've never used variables before, this article is a great introduction.




Here is what I would do.

  1. Use a True/False variable to control the sound, something like "QuizAudio" with a default of true.
  2. On your quiz slides, add a trigger with a condition to Play Audio at Timeline start IF QuizAudio = True.
  3. Add a trigger to your review button to set the QuizAudio variable to False and promote the trigger to execute first (move it prior to any other actions the button performs).

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