Revisiting Slide, No Hover State, Then Object Disappears

Sep 06, 2022

Hi all, 

I'm running into a problem with states when I revisit my slides! I created a navigation bar with buttons with a custom hover state that I named "rollover." When I click a button and then revisit the slide, the next time I hover over the button, the "rollover" state does not appear. The next time I hover, the button disappears altogether. 

I tried adjusting slide properties to reset to initial state. I also tried adding a trigger above the "jump to" trigger that would reset the button to "Normal" before leaving the slide. Neither one worked! I feel like there is some way to use variables here, but can't figure that out. 

Thanks for your help!

4 Replies
Sarah Hodge

Hi Lauren! First, I want to say I'm loving your project! Such a cool design and idea for that challenge! Second, the rollover. When I preview your project, it's happening on my side too. I think the "Restore to previous state when the user hovers out" might not be working because by clicking it, it jumps to another slide so the user technically never hovers out. Have you tried using the built-in hover state instead of the custom rollover state? By using the built-in hover state, you don't need to add any triggers because it works automatically.