Sales Game Negotiation Build

Aug 17, 2020

 I am new to the variable game, and I haven't sound another example so far. Any feedback or ideas are appreciated. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish.

There are four sales people selling cars. I want the user to select what features they want in a car. Based on the features they select, the page of dealers will pop up as visible if they are offering what the user is looking for. (I have that figured out with a true/false variable).

The second part is the user will have the option to offer up a negotiation on price, for example. Let's say the user wants to offer 1 dollar to dealer A. Because the user selected a serious low ball offer, there is a [ten percent] chance the dealer will say 'yes' on the next page. Can I set this up with variables so that dealer A has a ten percent acceptance? I *think* there is a way to do this, and I'm hoping someone else has used this kind of probability before...anyone?? 

6 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Sarah,

At first glance, I would be inclined to set up a variable that selects a random number between 1 and 10 and then have the result of that variable determine whether or not the dealer says "Yes".

You could then use that variable as follows:

Variable = 1 and user makes very low offer, then dealer says "Yes"
Variable = 1 or 2 and user makes medium to low offer, then dealer says "Yes"
Variable = 1, 2 or 3 and user makes fair offer, then dealer says "Yes"

etc, etc, etc

Hope this helps.

David Bongiovanni

Not exactly what you are looking for but it is an example from a negotiation course that uses variables to collect the user response and display the results.  It gets tricky if you want to display a variable in a variable statement but regardless just something to maybe spark some other ideas.

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