Screenr Question

Dec 14, 2011

Sorry guys, not sure where to put this one.....

I am involved in a large, corporate training rollout. One of the things we need to do is screen record a set of CRM system processes, and embed them in eLearning.

Our tool of choice, (chosen for it's translation and "add comments automatically" and translation functionality) appears to be letting us down - so we need a Plan B. A possible Plan B is "Screen capture using Screenr, and then embed into the standard eLearning application", (Articulate).

The piece I have never got my head around is how to keep Screenr screencams completely hidden. We would not want anyone to be able to see these at all, ever. I have seen a number of posts saying that anyone can see courses posted to Screenr. Could someone please explain the options, and can we just use the "free" version for this.

I would appreciate options, some help, and some guidance here.



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