Slide cannot be advanced until all elements have been viewed

Jan 30, 2019

Hi,  I am working in SL3.  On a particular slide the user must click on all of the elements to view their descriptors before they can go to the next slide.  Only issue is I cannot figure out how to set up this trigger!  Any help is appreciated.

(Attachment example: as the user clicks on the 'tenants', their descripters appear on the right)

Dawna ")

3 Replies
Scott Wiley

Hi Dawna,

It depends on what type of object you are having them click on. It's hard to tell from your screenshot.

If you are using hotspot, you'd probably have to create unique variables for each clicked item that would be changed from false to true with each click, and one to be changed from false to true when all items have been clicked.

It would be easier to instead use solid shapes, but with the transparency turned to zero. All shapes have a built-in "visited" state if you add triggers to them. So on the object over your 1st click item, set a trigger to show the associated descriptor, and so on.

Separately, create a trigger that sets the Next button to enabled state once all items are visited state.

Hope that helps.

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