Stop text boxes and shapes automatically resizing?

Dec 07, 2012

Hi guys,

I am having a problem with my shapes re-sizing when I try to copy an instance of the storyline file and open it on a different machine. This happens mainly with shapes that contain text. It seems to automatically make the text bigger thus making the shape bigger. It also happens with text boxes, and affects all of the slides in a scene. 

Does anybody know how to stop this from happening? I have been looking up the rest of the forums but there does not seem to be the right answer out there for me. 


3 Replies
Geert De Rycke

Hi Toi,

No for the time being this option is not available. This is one of the attributes that is not taken into account when setting your text box as 'Set as default'

What I suggest is that you forward a new feature request, which I did a few months ago.

here's the link. The more people request is the better rthe chance of getting it...



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