The Return of Haji Kamal: A Flash from the Past!

Oct 19, 2023

In 2010, Cathy Moore—guru of "Action Mapping"—shared an eLearning interaction titled "Connect with Haji Kamal." Designed for a military clientele, this gem swiftly gained legendary status among learning professionals as an excellent example of a goal-oriented scenario.

With Cathy's permission, I've brought this interaction back to life, from its legacy Flash format to Storyline so all those who love well constructed learning content, can become acquainted with Haji Kamal. 

Here's the post I wrote about it and here's the review link you can use to give it a try yourself. Another post will follow where I show how I've adapted this level of branching from the original military scenario to a more widely used corporate  training setting.


Haji Kamal

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