Time-estimating formula for building courses from PPT-based training?

Mar 11, 2015

I've been tasked with translating existing PPT-based training materials into interactive, engaging elearning content using Storyline 2. The trainings range in length from a 15-slide corporate compliance review to a 57 slide OSHA infection control curriculum. They're all of for the same audience, but content and level of depth/intensity varies. Is there some average formula I can apply to this to roughly estimate how long it's going to take to turn these bad boys into decent Storyline 2 courses, or am I looking at just timing myself?  Would appreciate any suggestions based on personal experience or research! I haven't been able to turn up anything yet.




11 Replies
Adele Sommers

Hi, Kristen!

It sounds like these courses are going to fall into Level 1 (or perhaps Level 2) of the Chapman Alliance's Web-based training (WBT) estimating model. You can read up on the formulas and link back to the study via this newsletter:


Best of luck with your projects!

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