Time management

Sep 05, 2017


I am developing an online Time Management course and wondered if anyone had any ideas on making it more interactive? 

I'd like to give learners a task at the beginning of the course that demonstrates the importance of good time management - I'm struggling for ideas so if anybody could inspire me, or even show me some examples that would be amazing.



5 Replies
Bob S

Hi Jon,

One thought is to have the course itself set up as an exercise in time management...

Set an overall limit on the amount of time/content the learner has.  Then break the content up into chunks and have an interactive menu where the learner has to make decisions on which pieces to pursue based on the time involved vs projected value. For example...

  • Explore the top 8 common time wasters and how to avoid them - 6 mins to complete
  • Discover the best three tips for staying organized - 9 mins to complete
  • Learn the best time savings secrets in MS Outlook and how to use them - 5 mins to complete
  • etc

The idea being it is not only self-directed, but they have to choose what to try and fit in by practicing good time management!


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