Tweet from within a course

Sep 15, 2013

I had a mess around today to see if I could sort out tweeting from within a course, in the end it wasn't difficult

here is demo

I have attached the file

NOrton seems to mess around sometimes (or so Bruce tells me).

There is a check to see if the tweet length is more than 140 characters

26 Replies
Phil Mayor

Nancy Woinoski said:

Hey Phil this is super great as usual. Found one small thing. Try including a hash tag in your tweet and see what happens. For me it would not display the hash tag or any of the text after the tag in the tweet.

I love you Nancy, because I never use twitter I never use or tested hashtags.  I have fixed this looks like it is an issue with the way hashtags are passed in a URL.

tested it with 2 hashtags and worked well. Link above is updated

Phil Mayor

I have updated the link, it now counts characters in realtime, this is not perfect and probably will not work for all as I used a Mac keyboard to map the keyboard so annoyingly the # is not selectable within windows within the trigger dialogue!

For that reason javascript will also count when you press submit

Jade Kelsall

Here's a quick demo of something I've created from this.

It's for a course about summarising skills science students; we wanted to give students an opportunity to practise their summarising skills by condensing an article into a tweet.

I used Phil's demo to count the number of characters, disabling the "tweet" button if it goes over 140. Then I used the tweet variable on the next slide to display the user's tweet next to our suggested answer.

Very cool!!

Phil Mayor

Jade Kelsall said:

Here's a quick demo of something I've created from this.

It's for a course about summarising skills science students; we wanted to give students an opportunity to practise their summarising skills by condensing an article into a tweet.

I used Phil's demo to count the number of characters, disabling the "tweet" button if it goes over 140. Then I used the tweet variable on the next slide to display the user's tweet next to our suggested answer.

Very cool!!

Love that!  

Jan Slozil

Hi Phil,

thanks for sharing these functionalities! Have you found some posting solution for the LinkedIn? And what about Google+?

And one more thing - have you tried posting including a file? For example to post a picture from the course? Maybe Twitter would not be the best social network but Facebook or LinkedIn would.

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