uploading edited/update scorm files to LMS and user progress completing scorm files

Jan 03, 2017

If a user was in the middle of completing a scorm file using on an online LMS and I had to replace it with an edited/ updated version, what would happen to the users progress in the original scorm file ?

Would he/she lose all their progress and have to start again ?


3 Replies
Ryan O'Connell

Whoa there! It depends on a number of factors:

  • What LMS are you using?
  • Are you creating a new version of an existing course?
  • What are the extent of the changes?

For example, if you are using Cornerstone LMS and you need to upload an update to the course which doesn't change the SCORM structure (e.g. a few minor text/graphic changes) then Cornerstone will allow you to upload the changes to the LMS, apply the changes instantly and if someone is part way through the course they won't lose their progress and have to start over.

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