What is the coolest thing you have done with Storyline lately?

Jun 27, 2013


I'm attending LeapAhead this week in Portland. So far it's been amazing! The examples shared by the Articulate team blew me away. When I asked Tom where I could find more examples, he suggested I try the community.

Not looking for anything in particular. What I most enjoy seeing is all the diverse examples and possibilities. If you have anything you can share, I'd sure enjoy seeing it.

31 Replies
Diana Myers

Welcome to the Articulate Commuity Paul!  Jerson's right - the examples produced for the Menu Challenge were really great and are a source of very cool inspriation.  I'

  1. Steven Andrews recently posted a really fantastic "Risk Towers" demo on risk management.  The original post is located on the forums.
  2. Another of my favorite recent Storyline projects was a Capability Demo posted by Bruce Graham and Phil Mayor:  Here's the original post If you want to see it.
  3. And one "fun" project I did with the help of David Anderson a while back was a Winter Trivia course for my son's 4th grade class. 

There are so many amazing, talented people in this community, follow some of the popular conversations in the forums and you'll bound to find a ton of really great work!

All the best,


Michael Hinze

A couple of weeks ago, I had answered a question in the forums on how to interactively rotate a 3D model. Here is what I came up with. I thought that was a pretty cool (and easy-to-do) way to add a nice interaction element, not because my solution was so ingenious (just a few hotspots, custom states and triggers)  but because Storyline is so versatile!!

Nancy Woinoski

Michael Hinze said:

A couple of weeks ago, I had answered a question in the forums on how to interactively rotate a 3D model. Here is what I came up with. I thought that was a pretty cool (and easy-to-do) way to add a nice interaction element, not because my solution was so ingenious (just a few hotspots, custom states and triggers)  but because Storyline is so versatile!!

This is really nice Michael. I had to do something like this to show a car but did it in Flash. It is good to see you can do it in Storyline.  - Just curious - how many images did you use?

Michael Hinze

Nancy Woinoski said:

Michael Hinze said:

A couple of weeks ago, I had answered a question in the forums on how to interactively rotate a 3D model. Here is what I came up with. I thought that was a pretty cool (and easy-to-do) way to add a nice interaction element, not because my solution was so ingenious (just a few hotspots, custom states and triggers)  but because Storyline is so versatile!!

This is really nice Michael. I had to do something like this to show a car but did it in Flash. It is good to see you can do it in Storyline.  - Just curious - how many images did you use?

Hi Nancy, this was a set of only 26 images. That's why the rotation is rather 'jerky'.

Rachel Barnum

Michael Hinze said:

A couple of weeks ago, I had answered a question in the forums on how to interactively rotate a 3D model. Here is what I came up with. I thought that was a pretty cool (and easy-to-do) way to add a nice interaction element, not because my solution was so ingenious (just a few hotspots, custom states and triggers)  but because Storyline is so versatile!!

Wow that's wonderful!

The coolest thing I've done lately is made a truly functional likert scale that translates into other quizzes very very well. I've been intending on making a post on it soon, but as it's a fair amount to explain (variables woo!!!) I've been taking my time on making a good example to submit. In the mean time, I have been using the method a surprising amount!

Bruce Graham

Richard Calcutt said:

Got myself a new job! I showed them my Storyline website/portfolio, and they liked it! 

I now recommend to all my SL developer friends to make an online, interactive portfolio. It really is a great tool for showing off your work to clients and/or employers! 



EDIT: this is my website -www.richardcalcutt.co.uk

Spot on

Nice one Richard.


Phil Mayor

Richard Calcutt said:

Got myself a new job! I showed them my Storyline website/portfolio, and they liked it! 

I now recommend to all my SL developer friends to make an online, interactive portfolio. It really is a great tool for showing off your work to clients and/or employers! 



EDIT: this is my website -www.richardcalcutt.co.uk

Well Deserved Rich

Rich Calcutt

Phil Mayor said:

Richard Calcutt said:

@Rebecca - Thanks for picking that up! Forgot to rename the pdf in the file manage. 

@Bruce, David, Phil - Thanks guys! If you're ever in Brighton, give me a call! 

I still owe you lunch so will definitely look you up when I am feeling generous

Yes definitely! i'm still holding you to that! 

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