Where to begin?

Apr 13, 2011

Wow what a great resource this community is! I am new to Articulate and eLearning in general. I have worked as a facilitator for the past 6 years so I have experience in training development and delivery. This is my first foray into the dynamic world of eLearning.

I am looking for some advice on where to begin with this site and other resources in general. My work has provide me with access to the Articulate Engage, Quizmaker, Video Encoder and Presenter products. At this stage they are not in a position to send me on any formal training but I consider myself to be pretty IT and design savvy so with some guidance I am confident in building my skills quickly.

Can anyone recommend a good place to start? Any resource, reference material or templates etc that would be worthwhile reading up on? My first task is to use Articulate Quizmaker to build an assessment for a training program one of my colleagues is rolling out to approximately 150 staff. Our company has an LMS which we will be using to host the quiz and record results data.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



8 Replies
Linda Lorenzetti

Hi Damian,

The Rapid Elearning Blog is a great place to start http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/  Check out these great tutorials on Screenr //www.screenr.com/user/tomkuhlmann //www.screenr.com/user/jeanettebrooks 


Join Twitter and follow other Articulate users including David Fair, Stephanie Harnett and Hamtra.


Kayla Burtch

I've only been working with Articulate about 6 months, and I'd consider myself pretty proficient.

I would say that 60% of what I learned was from the articulate blog/community, 40% trial and error, and %10 the training my boss sent me on (Mostly because the training happened after I had been using the software a while, and most of what I was taught I already knew)

The first thing I would say is brush up on your powerpoint skills. A lot of people (including me) think they are proficient in powerpoint... that is until they get into E-learning. I am amazed at all the things that powerpoint can do. I've gotten to the point where I'm actually surprised if it can't do something. There are a LOT of free tutorials on powerpoint out there, and they can help you come up with great ideas as well.

Also, on top of reading the blog, ask questions here in the forums. The "heroes" here are pretty amazing, and you will almost always find an answer to your question.

Jeanette Brooks

Hi Damian, and welcome! Great suggestions above. I'd also recommend checking out the tutorials here on this site - especially the ones in the Building Better Courses section. They are specifically designed for new users, to help you get up to speed on how to use the tools. Several of the tutorials have downloadable source files that you can open up and following along with. They're a great resource!

And as Kayla mentioned, don't be shy about asking questions here in the forums! There are lots of smart and talented e-learning designers who hang out here, and they are very generous with sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Zara Ogden

Don't forget to go to the Articualte.com support pages and the Knowledge Base. I didn't know this section existed at first and still sometimes forget.


There is so much info on the support pages. Just look up the applicable product you are using and go to the Knowledge Base Tab.

Melissa Martinez

You'll love the blog, we all do. Tom K has so many fantastic ideas and the entire community is great at sharing their expertise. I too don't get the luxury of attending conferences but I've been lucky enough to encounter two great Articulate resources at no cost to me. I saw Dave Anderson at a free Jam Session last year and just attended a webinar yesterday with Tom Kuhlmann. Both FREE! And I heard about both through the Rapid eLearning Blog, so it's definitely a great resource. And I'm attending another one in a couple of months!

But like everyone says, the community is great. Ask away and someone is sure to provide an answer or some friendly guidance. Have fun exploring!

Damian Dancer

Great to hear so many people who have benefited from this community and the available resources. I will slowly but surely make my way through all the gold material.

One question I have straight off the bat is...has anyone had any experience loading a Quizmaker Quiz using SCORM 1.2 into the Oracle iLearning LMS? Specifically I am wanting to find out whether the LMS will track individual quiz answers and not just the overall result? We want to use the quiz data as part of our enrichment TNA's,

The LMS is new to our organisation and so is the subject matter expertise. The PM is querying with the vendor for me but I thought I would make some prelimanary investigations now.



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