Zoom region

Oct 12, 2018

I am trying to zoom from the beginning of several screen recording slides so that it looks continuous without a break. I tried previewing the slide, scene and project and none of the zoom regions work. When I change the timing on the zoom region to start at .1 it works. Can a zoom region start at 0.0/the beginning of the slide?



3 Replies
Alexander Salas

Hi Herminia, 

I'm not too sure of what you are trying to achieve, but here's a file with two approaches. Scene 1 has the zoom regions starting at zero which will start the slide zoomed in without motion.

Scene 2 starts the zoom after zero which gives you the zooming motion. Let me know if this helps and if not please explain a little more. 

Herminia Esqueda

Thank you Alexander. Scene 1 is what I was doing and it wasn't working.  I couldn't open your file due to not having the most recent Storyline 3 version. It took me all day to finally update and it not only let me open your file but it fixed my zooming issue. Thanks for your quick response and examples.

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