Forum Discussion
Animation in Storyline through the Morph Transition
Some time ago, PowerPoint came out with a transition called Morph that literally morphs shapes, colors, strokes, graphics, etc. from one slide to the next. In other words, if you build a design on one slide, duplicate the slide, and make changes to the shapes on the second slide, the Morph transition will smoothly deform the shapes from the first slide to the next.
This transition is POWERFUL for animation. I feel that small animations of this kind are especially important for a product like Storyline. In a sense, the ability to build animations is one of the key features that I feel is missing from Storyline. If Articulate would consider adding the Morph transition to Storyline, it would allow users to animate the graphics on the screen with triggers, and I believe that would open up new worlds of possibility with Storyline.
Is this something you all would consider adding to Storyline?
- SandraWhitfordCommunity Member
I am in total agreement - I would like to see more animation and especially things like a morphing capability.
- KelKrehbielCommunity Member
Chiming in to add that I agree. Morph in Storyline would be extremely helpful.
- KimberlyBourneCommunity Member
I want to add my vote as well. This really would be a huge game changer for me. I use the morph transition in PowerPoint ALL of the time. I love it and it makes a huge difference for my presentations. It would make things so so nice in Articulate.
- RonelKirbyTingzCommunity Member
Definitely, Morph transition in Storyline could open a lot of new avenues when making a material, should be very helpful.
- CameronWardCommunity Member
It would be an easy game-changer, easily bringing feasible animation to storyline.
- JerryBeaucaireCommunity Member
The MORPH ability would be a magnitude of improvement. I spend a lot of time animating to move elements to a new position for the next scene.
The MORPH should move the identically tagged item from one scene to next including:
- Text/Image x/y coordinates
- element rotation
- element transparency level
- element recolor settings
- element SIZE as a percentage (this would be so fabulous)
- Jean-Christo203Community Member
Right now, such changes can be done via states, but it isn't as fluid as shape tweening back in Flash animation.
- TroyAshman-4235Community Member
- MattWeltonCommunity Member
I and the rest of our production team (8 Producers) use/used the Morph transition for e-learning courses and digital signage, even over other applications such as Adobe Animate (which is more powerful but not as "plug-n-play"). We've recently adopted Storyline 360 as our e-learning dev software, and what a difference it would make if that one transition was supported -- nothing comes close to it.
You might as well count this as 8 votes for adding the feature, perhaps even 20+ if I were to include our Instructional Designer team.
- MariaJonsson-07Community Member
Hi, I would also like to see this transition in Storyline 360. It looks great in powerpoint.
- BradyCole-2a974Community Member
Add me to the list of those wanting the Morph transition.