Forum Discussion
Articulate Storyline: Export to Google Drive
Hi Johannes,
You can export additional variables but you can not export any built-in variables. If you require the score, you would need to create a new number variable and create a trigger to amend the variable value to the built-in score variable.
To track whether a user has got questions right or wrong, you can create text or true/false variables for each question and on the 'That's right' or 'That's not right' layers, you can create a trigger which will update that variable based on your requirement.
Add those variables into your trigger which sends over the data to the spreadsheet and you can populate your GoogleSheet with all the information you need.
I hope that helps. If you require more in depth info, drop me a message and I can assist.
Thanks, Aaron
Thank you very very (very) much! :) Your information helped me a lot. Instead of true/false variables, numeric variables (default value = 0) have proven helpful. This allows me to directly calculate how many correct answers (value = 1) the participants had.
Thanks again, Johannes