Forum Discussion

TrangHoangThu's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Articulate's Mastery score and recorded score in LMS system

Hi everyone,

I have a question about the mastery score of Scorm package and the score that LMS systems had recorded.

In this case, why I passed all 10 question (equal to 100 point) but LMS system only recorded with score = 70 (photo belows). The mastery score in my publish file shows as 80 (and also the passing score I have set in the result slide).

Hope you guys wil respond to this problem soon.

Thanks alot.

  • Hi Trang,

    Thanks for reaching out! There could be several reasons why the score isn't appearing as expected, but as a first step, testing your course in a different environment can help narrow down the issue.

    Try testing your file in SCORM Cloud, and see if you get similar results.

    If the course works as expected in SCORM Cloud, you may need to reach out to your LMS on the best reporting and tracking options, including what LMS standard you should be using.

    If the course shows the same results, some adjustments may be needed to have it report correctly.

    Our support team can also lend a hand with testing, so feel free to share your .story file with us, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

  • TrangHoangThu's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks for your answer!

    I have another course with the same setting above. In this situation, LMS system records status as complete but the score only shows 80 point (eventhough I passed all questions and result slide appeared with my score = 100%, passing score = 80%).

    I have uploaded this scorm package into Scorm cloud and the outcome's exactly like that.

    cmi.score_raw: 80
    cmi.score_min: 0
    cmi.score_max: 100

    What does these mean? Other courses I have created with quiz and stuffs return the score correctly by the way.

    Here are all related screenshots and thanks again!

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Trang!

      Here is the reason behind each of those values:

      This is a great resource when you have questions about a SCORM term.

      It would be helpful to take a look at your project. Do you mind uploading it to us privately in a support case?

  • TrangHoangThu's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Lauren,

    So what would affect these information in Storyline 360? Because I set up the course step by step like other courses too but the score in this one shows different.

    Plus, may tracking options relate to this result? As the Articulate versiony in the present, I can see that we can choose more than 1 tracking options.

    Beside, I really dont understand the relationship between mastery score and the score that LMS records since this case particularly.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Many factors could affect how information is passed to an LMS, but if you're specifically looking at cmi.score_raw, cmi.score_min, and cmi.score_max, these are based on the passing score, maximum score, and the minimum score. This information is passed through the Results Slide.

      Regarding tracking options, each LMS can interpret statuses differently (especially for SCORM 1.2 courses). We recommend choosing Passed/Incomplete or Passed/Failed. These options are most likely to record both completion and success statuses in your LMS. (You might see an Unknown success status in your LMS until learners complete the course, then the status usually changes to Passed/Failed.)

      An LMS should report the score from the Results Slide, so if you see a difference between the score on the Results Slide and the LMS, you'll want to connect with your LMS admin to see why the score is displayed differently.