Forum Discussion
Auto play audio in Rise?
I have created a Storyline block, threw an image on it so all the user sees in RISE 360 is an image but ultimately it is the Storyline block with audio that auto-plays. However, the tricky thing is this...
I had a deck of Storyline that's with 30 slides and have divided them into blocks. Each "block" is about 2 to 8 slides from the actual Storyline deck. Before each "block" I've placed an image that lasts for 1 sec, and then it auto plays the audio/ animations.
It works well for some (plays image and auto-plays the audio+animation) but there are others which doesn't auto-plays the audio. I will need to click on the "play button" and audio will come out.
I'm not using a different deck of Storyline but using the same deck, just that I've deleted those that I didn't want, to make up a "block".
What actually went wrong? Can anyone advise me?