Forum Discussion

RobLengacher's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Autofit scroll bar right margin issue

As shown below, the Format Shape > Text box > Margins > Right value pushes the autofit scroll bar to left. This can hamper readability on some lines if the scroll bar is almost touching the text. When we set the right margin value, we would prefer to have the scroll bar to be aligned against the right side of the text box all the way, and only the text will be that far from the right edge of the text box. 

  • Hi Robert!

    I appreciate you sharing this request with us and including a screenshot! I understand that you'd prefer to have the scroll bar shift to the right of the text when the alignment is to the right. I've shared this with my team so that we can begin tracking the impact of this feature! 

    • RobLengacher's avatar
      Community Member

      Just to clarify. The scroll bar should not be shifted in any direction based on the margin settings (padding?). For left-to-right text, I would prefer to see the scroll bar aligned to the right edge of the text box, and the right margin value would only apply to the text inside the scrolling text box. This would ensure that instructional designers have control over how close text is to the scroll bar.

      Alternatively, maybe there could be a minimum margin to the left of the scroll bar (1 em?) to ensure that the scroll bar will never touch or obscure adjacent text.

  • I vote for this feature upgrade too, I don't want to have to revert to inserting text fields into scrolling panels.


  • This is quite annoying. This issue reduces the readability of the text. Unfortunately, this problem still exits. One solution is to add "margin-right: 15px" in the text div box.  This solution is not ideal. but at least leave a little bit space between the text and the scrollbar. 

    What you can do is creating a JS trigger on your slide and letting it fire when the page start to load.  Add this code to the JS trigger you created: 

    var x=document.getElementsByClassName("textlib-content-wrap");

    This will add 15 px to the right of the text box and leave a little bit space between the text and the scrollbar. 

  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for checking in on this! There currently hasn't been any movement on this as we prioritize other feature requests. I'm going to include your voice in the request. We’ll update this discussion when there is any news to share about this.