Forum Discussion

ericw's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Changing the "Zoom Region" Aspect Ratio

Anyone know how to change the aspect ratio when you Zoom Region? I searched for previous discussions and found one that says it's not possible...but that was 4 years ago. I'm hoping it's changed since then.



  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    As far as I know, there are no changes/updates to the built-in zoom region functionality. 

    • MehdiKasumov-cb's avatar
      Community Member
      Phil Mayor

      The aspect ratio is set the the same ratio as the slide


  • Yes ridiculous is a good word. The locked aspect ration for the zoom region makes that feature nearly useless. I wish Articulate would actually go back and look at ALL the animation features and update them instead of concentrating so much on RISE. Like why is there still no Transform or Tween shape features so you could actually move and SCALE an object over time. Gah!!!

  • Could a crop feature be added to the zoom region function? This would potentially solve many of the issues that are being presented.

  • I understand the importance of maintaining the aspect ratio when using zoom region however, it becomes difficult to focus on the required region. Hence, making it impossible to use this feature. Request the team to alter this feature so that it can be customized as per our requirement. 

  • JohnJennings's avatar
    Community Member

    Crickets....I too have submitted a request for this feature, question for the design team...have you not added this, as well as others, because you can't, or won't? Seems kind of pointless to submit update requests at this point...