Forum Discussion

DTDFMTraining's avatar
Community Member
4 hours ago

Conditional trigger after all hovers are complete


I have some slides in Storyline with three buttons that when hovered over display explanatory text.

There is also a trigger that when selected moves on to the next slide.  How can i make this trigger conditioned so that the user must hover over all buttons?


  • Hi there!

    I'd create T/F variables for each button [Hover#] plus an additional AllHovered T/F variable for each set. Each button gets 2 triggers:

    Set Hover1 to True when user hovers over button 1
    Set AllHovered to True when user hovers over button 1 if Hover1 is True AND Hover2 is True AND Hover3 is True.

    And to cue the learner that your Next button [NEXT] is/is not enabled:

    Set state of NEXT to disabled when the timeline starts if AllHovered is = to False
    [if you don't want to torment your learners their second time through😉]


    Set NEXT to Normal when AllHovered = to True

    Most of these triggers can be created once then copied, just editing the variable # or button # [in bold above]. 

    There may be slicker options, but this works for me.

    Cheers and good luck!

    ps... what Judy and Phil say is absolutely right re accessibility. Hover is also inconsistent on mobile devices. But the above would also work with 'clicks on' and you wouldn't need the variables at all - just:

    Set NEXT to disabled when the timeline starts if and enable when all states are visited. If they're not meant to stay 'visited', you could use 'selected' states instead and make them part of a button set. Clear as mud? (good luck!)

  • There are various ways to do what you want, such as adjusting variables or changing the state of an off-slide object to Visited when the buttons are hovered.

    However, I suggest that it would be simpler—and more accessible—if you have the user click each button to reveal the explanatory text. Then you could use their Visited state to control when the "next" trigger can run.

  • Hover is not a good interaction to use, it is not that accessible and on touch screens your finger covers the content, and hover should probably never be compulsory.

    To make the condition work you are likely going to have to change states or variables elsewhere.

    I would add rectangles off slide to equal the number of objects and then set triggers when you hover to hide a rectangle. Finally set a trigger to change the next button when the rectangles are all hidden.