Forum Discussion
Conditional Triggers for Partially correct answers
Hi, I have been trying to get these triggers worked out in the right order so the answers will lead to Correct, Incorrect, or Partially Correct.
In the attached file I have added some color coding to help troubleshoot. The Variables are:
- Highlight 1 - violet shading
- Highlight 2 - red shading
- Highlight 3 - yellow shading
- Highlight 4 - green shading
The answers should be as follows:
Correct: Highlight 4 ONLY
Incorrect: Any combination of Highlights 1-3 ONLY
Partially Correct: Highlight 4 selected AND any combination of Highlights 1-3
I have the highlight fields set to toggle between true and false and that seems to be working fine. And depending on the order I put the Correct, Incorrect, and Partially correct triggers, two will work, but never all 3. Correct works always, but the other two depend on which order they are in, so I'm clearly not setting the AND/OR on the variables correctly. Any help is appreciated!
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
As you know, the correct layer always works. What is making only one of the partially correct and incorrect layers show is that both are always true, so both show, with the second one hiding the first. So if you change the order, you get what appears to be different results.
When this trigger is evaluated, If H1 is selected, the whole if sequence is evaluated as true, and the trigger fires.
If H2 is selected, the whole if sequence is evaluated as true, and the trigger fires.
If H3 is selected and H4 is selected, the whole if sequence is evaluated as true, and the trigger fires.
Do you see how the "and" connects only the H3 and H4 highlights, and the other two are independent?
The incorrect layer is the same. H1 and H2 are independent. Either one of them being selected makes the condition evaluate as true, while H3 is true only if H4 is also false.
Try writing them like the attached sample.
- AmyChapmanCommunity Member
Ohhhh! Wow, I didn't realize you could use the variable multiple times in one trigger, that makes so much sense! THANK YOU SO MUCH! That works perfectly AND I have learned something about triggers and variables that I didn't know before. You really are a HERO Walt!
- WaltHamiltonSuper HeroThank you. PIAWYC (Pass it along when you can).