Forum Discussion

Alison-L's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

"Content Curation for Learning"

(p(re.)s) Please let me know if I'm missing the thread where this already got brought up)

Now that Articulate has graced us with more RISE content than we could ever need (not that that's a bad thing). I've been searching the above phrase, in the hopes that it I would (maybe? just maybe?) find a 'checklist' or something 'criteria'-ish for putting things in my shiny, new LXP (Docebo).

The $$-Misers don't want to pay for a (yes! I know it's not Lynda anymore. Tough!), or Degreed. OpenSesame is cheap but seems like it accepts anyone and then leaves the rating up to the audience who could be anyone/body/thing ("On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.). Like anything nowadays, a search get's a LOT of results, but you have no way to know if this blog post from (who?). PLUS, there is the extra noise of "content curation for your website ... seo... marketing marketing marketing blah." 

So in order to get content other than our proprietary CRM,... you see where I am going, right? And the stakes are a little high because the C-levels got a whiff that we were in soft launch and forced it to everyone with the just CRM Stuff on it. So the "what's next"? in terms of content in order to get buy-in FROM MY LEARNERS is a little of a high-wire/no net act. 

(OR) Anyone know if Anders Pink is worth reading 120 pages?  

Thanks y'all!


PS. Just to be clear, it's about the content, not the e-learning as a whole. 



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