Forum Discussion

LouisAnderson-e's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

"Correct" layer not behaving as I wish

Good day, I have create a few "pick 1" free form slides. Overall they seem to work fine, but for some of them something strange happens: the correct layer only appears if I select the right answer as a first attempt. I have set the form to infinite attempts, and if I choose a wrong answer first, then I will always get the "wrong" layer even if I end up selecting the right one afterwards. I have included an example file for your reference. Thanks
- Ivo
  • Thanks Richard, I see in your version when answers are shuffled, the letters A-B-C-D are shuffled as well, which what I was trying to avoid when I grouped those shapes the way they were. Do you have an idea on how to make answers shuffle without changing the order of the lettering? Thanks for your time.
    • RichardWatson's avatar
      Super Hero
      You are welcome, Louis. With Storyline, there are multiple ways to approach things.
