Forum Discussion

MichaelRussell-'s avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Course Name versus File Name

There was a thread psted back in 2018 and I'm hoping this may have been resolved with later versions of Storyline. Here is the original post:

The issue we are having is that we want to name our Storyline files uniquely (e.g. with the date published or with the language it is published in) however when adding anything to the Storyline file name such as 'Filename_071524.story' or 'Filename_EN.story' the name/title of the course that is displayed in the hamburger menu inside the actual course is reflected with this same name. How can I have these two be independent from one another so that the menu name inside the course merely displays 'Filename'? Seems like a simple ask.



  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    In the Player, you have the option to add a course title that will show in the course module. This field defaults to whatever the filename is, but it does not need to be the filename. So you can change the displayed course name as you wish.

    If you're still having trouble, I would contact Articulate, but I would think you could name the file to be whatever you wish and the displayed course name to be unique, as well.

  • Hi Joe, Thank you for the response. The issue we are having is that we upload to an external LRS as a zip file and that zip file using the naming convention of 'Filename_date_version' for referencing changes in versions. When we change the title and publish it creates the zip file with that title. Would there be any issues of changing the name of the zip file to the format 'Filename_date_version'? Thank you

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Since I am not familiar with the LRS you are using, I can only say that I don't think there would be any issues. I would run a test with a very small course package and see what that does.

    Good luck!

  • There will be no issues, our LMS takes the name of the zip as well

  • Thank you for the replies. Seems like that works for us too. We just renamed the course when zipping the file to upload to our LMS.

  • Hello, I hope it's okay that I add my own question to this thread, since it seems to be related:

    I also experience the problem that the title of the published scorm (title_extra_info) is also the title that appears in the player, even though I put a different player title there before publishing (title_course).

    For me it would be very helpful if these titles were not related anymore. Unless someone could help me with this issue:

    I only discovered the issue after uploading the scorm to an extern learning platform (aNewSpring). Because the file title I used (title_extra_info) should not be visible for the users, I changed back the title in the player (to title_course), published the scorms with this title also as a file title and afterwards changed the title of the zipfile again (to title_extra_info). But, when I uploaded this tot the learning platform, the scorm got the title from the player again (title_course) as a file title. The player title seems to overwrite the zipfile title. But the learning platform reads this as a new file instead of a replacement for the old file. Apparently, in aNewSpring you can only replace a scormfile with exactly the same title. This makes it impossible for me to change the player title as long as it's connected with the publish/zipfile title.

    Does anyone have an idea what I could do?

    Thanks in advance, if I have to open a new subject, please let me know!


    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Floortje,

      The behavior you described sounds like an LMS-specific issue since other LMSs like SCORM Cloud take the course name from the Player title. I'd recommend testing the same behavior you're experiencing in SCORM Cloud to confirm. 

      If the behavior is specific to your LMS, please check if you have the option to upload new versions of your course to see if this helps. 

      You can also reach out to our support team by opening a case here if you need any further assistance.