Forum Discussion
Custom Play/Pause Button in Storyline
- 5 months ago
There is only one default "Hover" state, but I wouldn’t use it in this case as it may interfere with the "Normal" and "Selected" states. Instead, you can create a "hover" effect using another element that shows or hides when you hover over the Listen button. For example, you could add a glow or shadow effect by placing a shape under the Listen button to achieve the desired effect. A cursor change would be sufficient as well.
Hmm, I deleted the old triggers and added the one you suggested and it's not pausing the audio or changing the state to the pause button. Instead of creating a Selected state, I kept the Pause state. This is my trigger:
Play audio LolaAudio
When the user clicks Listen button
if the state of Listen button = Normal
Else: Pause audio LolaAudio
- Nedim5 months agoCommunity Member
Please check the .story file I attached in my earlier post. I deleted all the button states except for "Normal" and "Selected." When you click the button, it toggles between these two states. If the button is in the "Normal" state, clicking it switches to the "Selected" state (playing the audio). If it’s already in the "Selected" state, clicking it again reverts it back to the "Normal" state (pausing the audio). Adding a custom "Pause" state would not have any effect unless you specify a separate action or trigger for it, which would be redundant in this scenario. The "Selected" state is a built-in state that works automatically without additional triggers.