Forum Discussion

JustinBurns's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Display total project time using new elapsed time variables


Ive updated Storyline and love that there are new features with the elapsed project / slide / scene built in variables. 

I saw a few tutorials on how to do a few things, ie mark a course as complete when a certain time reached, or do something (ie show a layer) once a cetain time is reached. But there was a tutorial missing for one thing mentioned could be done. 

Is there a way to display the elapsed time in seconds or minutes? 

For example, an elearn has a duration of 30mins, and id love to display at the top the time spent so far as a count up or count down.

I tried inserting it like this... "Elapsed time: %Project.ElapsedTime% / 30mins" however the project elapsed time counts in milliseconds (in the thousands) whic is distracting. Is there a way i can use other variables or triggers to convert this counting so it displayed in seconds or minutes?