Forum Discussion

DavidGoodman's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Has anyone used a "course architect"?

I am aware of the jobs board but wish to place my question here for greater discussion purposes.

I am looking for a course architect who sits above a course designer or course developer and understands the movement of data (xAPI, js, external web objects, SCORM, the potential use of third party add-ons, LRS usage, data visualization, performance improvement tracking, etc. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.  

  • Never heard the term course architect, I can recommend a good programmer who understands all of that.

    • DavidGoodman's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Phil - yes I would appreciate your recommendation. Here is one of many specific requirements: ability to measure, track and record multiple instances of performance measurements in addition to the normal internal assessment with 360. Normal LMSs can store only one score as does the internal 360 report writer. Please provide your recommendation my email: Thanks again for your offer.

  • hkanstrm's avatar
    Community Member

    Very interesting post. 
    For slightly bigger projects with several systems interacting and data connectivity for possibly dynamic content etc..
    For real time tracking and visualization.

    However, i think most of the technical part of this type of projects is done inside the systems, at least the modern ones.. The role you describe , likely understands these system and can advice on how to set this up to match your purpose. 

    I think the caveat is thirdparty add-ons, then security and all kinds of things come into play. That is not a one role job, to understand and implement such things. Multiple types of roles would likely have to be involved in that.

    But other then that, most of the things you mention is today handled in a modern LXP type system. Some have built in authoring capability as well. Highly integrated solutions with open API for connectivity to other systems.

    • DavidGoodman's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for your feedback. Can you recommend one LXP? My understanding might be off but I thought that the LXP world is learner and learners centric - more social sharing and commenting on learning rather than the transportation of data in and across platforms. I gave Phil one example of our needs - do you think the LXP world can handle this need? Thanks again.

  • Look for someone who has a strong grasp of data architecture and can evaluate current data structures to ensure databases, data warehouses, and data streams meet business and technology requirements. Ensure the candidate is proficient with xAPI (Experience API), which allows for tracking a wide range of learning experiences across different platforms and devices. ProCADIS Autodesk software store. The architect should be familiar with SCORM compliance to ensure that e-learning content is packaged correctly and can be shared across systems. Experience with Learning Record Store (LRS) is essential as it serves as a centralized hub for collecting and storing learning data from various systems within an organization."