Forum Discussion

SibaPrasadPadhi's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

How to do translation of question bank

Dear Articulate team,

There is a bug in Rise regarding question bank translation. When create a xlif file for translation and import the respective translated xlif  into their respective language file, it donot show the translation text. Could you please fix it ASAP or provide a way how to do this?

Best regards,



  • Should a Question Bank be translated independently of the other course content, and set up as a new Question Bank?

    • CaitlinMulholla's avatar
      Community Member

      That was my work around for the latest course I built. Not sure if there is a better solution, but I made a new bank for each language. 

  • Hi there,

    We did have some of the translations come through on XLIFF but ran into the following (not just in the question banks): 

    • Missing translations when there was unique feedback for the answer options 
    • Our course had a large question pool set to shuffle, couldn't find an easy way to check/answer key (okay for French but when you get to languages like German it was a bit of a nightmare) 
    • The translated content did not bring up an editable question bank (so we couldn't easily make updates to languages or fix missing translations if we needed too)
    • Back of flip tiles did not translate

    I was able to leverage some of what came through on the XLIFF, but did have to go back for extra translations. It's just not ideal, translations are supposed to be the easy part :) Next time i'll be creating a word doc that can easily be referenced and bypass the XLIFF option all together until they release a fix for this. 

    • DavidMaddocks-f's avatar
      Community Member

      Your 3rd point is what I've been caught by: not being able to edit the questions. The original test ordered multiple choice questions options with a), b), c) ... Randomizing the order of the answer choices made this an issue. I came to the same conclusion as you: separate the question bank from the course content and build a new translated question bank. I only have to work with French and Spanish. Aber Deutsch ist so einfach.

  • Hello, I'd like to chime in there too. Why isn't there, like in the courses, a settings option for the question banks with xliff (or word ;) ) export ? Using mateCAD for translation enables me to do quick translation jobs and edits the file nicely, including the questions, but the included question bank is not translated, hence my question !

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Marine,

      Thanks for reaching out! We have fixed the bug reported in this thread where the draw from question banks are not included in the exported XLIFF translation file.

      We'd be happy to help determine whether this behavior is specific to your Rise course. It may also be caused by how the course was set up. If you're comfortable sharing your course with our team, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you.

      • MatthieuWILLIAU's avatar
        Community Member

        Hello Eric,

        Actually the questions from a question bank that is within a course have always been exported...but they never been imported during the translation process. 

        Are you saying that this bug has been fixed ? How should we process ?  Do we have to duplicate the question bank before applying the XLIFF translation ?

  • Hello, I'm facing exactly the same problem with translating a question bank!

    I’m trying my best to navigate through a completely incomprehensible XLIFF file, copying and pasting in all directions…I believe my eyes can no longer see.

    There is a significant area for improvement concerning translation. Why not create a multilingual module, with a menu to activate that allows changing the language of the module at the user’s request?

    • FelixFranke's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Matthieu,

      that is my dream, too, being able to create a module with several languages to switch from one to another (It would be doable with Storyline, JavaScript and a lot of programming I guess, but... really?).

      Unfortunately, that does not rid you of the task of translation, which is what the xliff file is meant to help with. But as you have exoperienced, it is an xml formatted file, which is almost unreadable by humans. You ned a translation program for it. Then, it works, more or less. I am not a professional translator, they work much faster.

      The problem with that is that those translation programs read xliff 2.1 these days, and Articulate software still exports the long outdated xliff 1.0

      So for translating Rise360 Modules, you need to open a side window and have a translation program or ChatGPT or whatever open and edit it. Deepl works very well, necause it writes the translation directly into editable fields in open websitzes. But still, I have to do that myself, as the owner of the Articulate license. Works for German, English and Spanish (in my case), but what about Korean, Chinese, Japanese?

      • EricSantos's avatar

        I'm happy to chime in, Felix. I will also add your vote for a multilingual module feature in Rise, and we'll update this thread if it becomes available in a future release.

        Thank you for your suggestions!

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Matthieu,

      Sorry to hear about your experience with translating your Rise course and navigating the XLIFF file.

      When you translate a Rise course, the resulting XLIFF file can be accessed and read using translation software, such as Smartcat or Trados, or having a third-party translator do it for you. Let me know if you need additional help with this!

      Your suggestion for a multilingual module is a great idea, and our product team can look into it. I've informed our product engineers of your comments, and we'll let you know if there are any changes in this direction that might help.

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks for checking in!

      We've released a fix for the issue where the draw from question banks are not included in the exported XLIFF translation file. If you're able to provide some details about what you're experiencing or can share a copy of your course with our team, we'd be happy to help troubleshoot!

      • FelixFranke's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Kelly,

        That's xliff 1.2, right? 🤦‍♂️

        Unfortunately, useless for many of us, but not part of this thread, I suppose.

  • I'd be happy with the ability to export a question bank to an XLIFF file, import it after it's been translated into a new question bank, and manually link the question bank to the translated course.

  • PeteRichardson's avatar
    Community Member

    I recently exported an English XLIFF file and it did include the 25-question bank. When I imported the French translated XLIFF file and previewed the knowledge check, the translated questions were present. The problem I'm having is that I can't find that French question bank to make some minor edits. I only see the original English question bank.

    • LucianaPiazza's avatar

      Hi Pete!

      Thanks for reaching out about your question bank translation! Just to confirm, you are looking to adjust the language in Storyline 360 or in the translated XLIFF file? 

      If you could please share the translated file and your .story file in a support case our team would be happy to take a closer look. 

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • DavidMaddocks-f's avatar
      Community Member

      Hey, Peter. Have you opened the XLIFF file with Notepad and searched for English or French wording? The translated Q&A should be mixed in with the original English.

      Your translators may be able to export their work to a Word file, which makes it much easier to search and find text. You can then use Search & Replace to remove any codes from the file, which makes copying and pasting easier.

    • MatthieuWILLIAU's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello, I’m facing the exact same issue.

      I have perfectly translated a RISE module that contains a question bank using an XLIFF file.

      When I preview the module, the questions and answers from the bank are translated perfectly.

      However, if I want to edit a question, for some unknown reason, the questions and answers inside the bank are shown in the original language, not the language displayed when I preview the module.

      Where is my translated question bank and how can I edit it?

      I should mention that I took care to duplicate and set the question bank before launching the translation process.