Forum Discussion

katymullin's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

I need to able to review evaluation survey results and report on them.

I can build the evaluation itself in Storyline using the survey questions. I can bring those questions into my Rise content by getting the published element from Review 360. Now I want to be able to have learners take my courses using Reach AND be able to see how they answered the survey evaluation, but it seems that all I track by is course completion or quiz - but I can't build survey questions as a quiz - is there a way to somehowaccomplish being able to see survey results within Reach? Thank you! 

  • Hello Katy, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I opened a support case on your behalf to get you in touch with our Reach 360 support team. They'll be able to address any questions that you may have regarding the platform and more! You're in good hands, and someone from the team will be in touch with you shortly.

  • Was this issue resolved? I have the same problem. I am unable to view responses by the learners. 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Amiran, 

      Happy to help!

      If you're using Storyline 360, survey responses should be reported to your LMS as long as they are submitted via a Results Slide. Rise 360 doesn't have the same survey functionality yet, but I can confirm that this is a feature request that we are currently monitoring the demand for.

      I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience: 

      • Are you using Storyline 360 or Rise 360?
      • Is your course hosted on an LMS or in Reach 360?
      • How are you gathering these responses from your learners? 

      Additionally, if you built your course in Storyline 360 and have it hosted on an LMS, try testing how it behaves in a different LMS like SCORM Cloud to verify that the issue isn't LMS-specific.

      Looking forward to your response!


      • AmiranBaduashvi's avatar
        Community Member


        Thank you for your reply.

        My course is built with a *combination of Rise and Storyline*. For now, I'm
        only using storyline to generate "web objects" through which I run
        qualtrics surveys. The qualtrics surveys are not well-integrated and my
        hope would be to have all course items be delivered through Articulate.

        My course is hosted on *Reach 360.*

        Currently, I am *gathering responses through qualtrics*, but ideally, I
        would like to use storyline surveys/quizzes and/or Rise quizzes to gather
        the responses.

        So far, I've learned that through Reach 360, I can only gather responses on
        1 quiz (and it needs to be required for completion). That doesn't work for
        me as I have pre-course and post-course quizzes.

        Thank you in advance,


  • Hi Amiran, 

    Thanks so much for this information! I've gone ahead and shared this with our Rise 360 team within a support case. We'll follow up with you within your case via email. 

    Thanks so much for your patience. Have a wonderful start to your week!