iFrame embed stripping style from code
I'm trying to embed an iFrame using the Embed block and any styling I try to add is removed when I push enter.
This is what I put in the box:
<iframe src="https://access.openupresources.org/curricula/our6-8math-v3/en/supporting-material/49145/presentation.htm" style="border: 0px none; margin-left: 0px; height: 825px; position:absolute; top:-100px; width: 775px;"></iframe>
This is what it shows after I press enter:
<iframe src="https://access.openupresources.org/curricula/our6-8math-v3/en/supporting-material/49145/presentation.htm"></iframe>
I've looked through other discussions where people are asking about their iFrame code not working and the support people respond with the corrected code, but if there was styling, it's not removed. Some of those included working examples and the styling appears to be working in those. So I would assume styling is allowed. Is it no longer allowed? Is that something that has recently changed?