IS vs. IS NOT Trigger Bug?
We recently encountered an issue with re-published files where functionality which previously worked (which was based on solutions posted to this forum at least a full version of Storyline ago) no longer work.
In the attached example Storyline file, there are 4 sliders which have 2 user-draggable positions and a center starting position. Dragging a slider to either the left or the right changes the state of its (normally off-screen) assigned indicator from Normal to Activated. This is done in the Object Trigger for each slider (Change state of rectangle n to Activated When slider n moves If its value is not equal to 1). As you can see, that functionality works fine.
The problem is when all 4 sliders have been moved and the learner needs to move on. There are 3 Object Triggers, yet only 1 fires. The first Object Trigger changes the value of Boolean variable bolSlide_01 from False (its initial state) to True; the second Trigger changes the state of the Next button from Disabled (its initial state) to Normal. These Triggers are based on the states of the 4 indicators not being Normal. The 3rd Trigger, which shows the Feedback layer, is based on the states of the 4 indicators being Activated.
Programmatically, the two trigger statements (When the state of all rectangles is not Normal / When the state of all rectangles is Activated) are equivalent logical operators, and both should fire when the states of all 4 rectangles are NOT Normal, i.e. Activated.
To demonstrate the difference, run the file and observe the results. Then, change one of the 2 Object Triggers from is not Normal to is Activated and run it again.